Tokyo-based, crypto-focused, and former Trust Wallet Founding engineer. Blockchains, Cross-platform SDK, mobile apps, and smart contracts are areas of expertise.
Proficient with major networks (not limited to ) and full stack development of a wallet or dApp.
Contact me via ↓↓ or send an email.
Type-safe and enum style API for Rust, tt abstracts away repetitive boilerplate code like url formatting, query / header encoding and response deserialization, plus async by default and lightweight JSON-RPC support.
Trust Wallet Core is an open-source, cross-platform, mobile-focused library implementing low-level cryptographic wallet functionality for a high number of blockchains.
Inspect is an action extension (works in both Safari, Chrome and Edge) that allows you to inspect and export website's https certificate information.
Hide your running applications from Dock like a charm.
Share irregularly, it may might be a blog post, a tweet, a podcast, github project or youtube video.